Located in one of the units in the stretch of old pre-war government quarter

s in Burma Road (before the Union Primary School and opposite the Wesley Church and the Seventh Day Adventist Church - pay attention here - Church and not Hospital), lies this tea house - Lau Sher.
Inside Lao Sher, you will see all kinds of tea (sorry, I am strictly NOT a tea fan). The are some small garden tables in front porch of the house. As you enter, you will see rows and rows of chinese tea in tins and cans. Never bother to ask around about the tea anyway.
Behind the room of thi

s tea display, you will find dining tables. Aha, this is what I am getting at...they serve food!!! The menu is not very long, after a few pages of tea (sorry, I think it is, as it's printed in chinese), came less pages of food they serve, but still looks good enough that you wanna try everything. Yes and they serve one of the best tom yam in town!!! It comes in mild to super-duper head exploding hot!!! First time Howard took me there, we shared this tomyam seafood soup. I had tomyam fried maggi noddles and he had tomyam fried rice!!! Cool...err...hot, I meant we went tomyam crazy that night. After a few minutes, since there were not many people around that night, came my noddles, then the fried rice and then...walla...the tomyam soup. Looked app

etizing and sure smelt good. But alas, I could only go for one small soup bowl!!!
The soup is cooked with tomyam paste and I believe coconut milk (unlike those tomyam noodles you have in many coffee shops - I never really like those...too diluted and oily). In it you will find a fair share of fish fillet, large chunks of calamansi, prawns, mushrooms and tomatoes. Its sour enough, fragrant enough and for that bowl, I find it a little too spicy to my taste but good enough for to enjoy. I gulped down a glass of lime juice and a glass of ice cold water and my usual ice crunching. After the dinner, the taste lingered on in my mind.
After a few days (and after a miserable time in the next morning), I have the urge to try

it again. So, I recommended to some of my colleagues. We ordered a few packet of tomyam maggie noddles but adviced the lady who took our orders on the phone to go mild on the soup. This time, it was just right. We had a nice lunch in the office and we have been having tomyam maggie noddle soup for our lunch frequently for the past few weeks. The tomyam soup they serve in Lao Sher is as good as the one I tried in Pronthip.
Ratings : 7/10