The world has gone mad with eights!!! For today, 8th August 2008 (or 8.8.08), everything is auspicious...especially for the Chinese. Eight which simply translate to "Fatt" in Cantonese, and incidentally, Fatt also means Luck!!! Whoelse, but Chinese is ga-ga over anything that brings luck and triple eight means triple luck!!! It has been a century since the last triple eight appeared.
Newspapers today also featured almost everything from shoppings to horoscopes to birthdays!!! Shopping malls have RM0.88 discounts, celebrities whose birthdays are on the 8th of August, business address with eights, Feng Shui consultant Joey Yap discussing your luck, shoe wonder Datuk Jimmy Choo's "8 is two O and O represents the moon..." and pictures of anything anywhere that has eight!!! Even Beijing's Olympic grand opening is set 8th August 2008 at 8:08:08pm!!!

But the wonder of all is, Chinese couples, hundreds if not thousands of them, tying a knot on this day...auspicious they say!!! MY FOOT!!! Have they also forgotten this is the seventh month in the Chinese Lunar calendar??? The seventh month always signifies the opening of the Gate to Hell, where all the hungry ghosts are allowed to roam about??? The seventh month that is taboo to have weddings in any other years???
I do not mean to be disrespectful, but then, when things are in the contradicting reasons, I like to learn and look for some sensible reasons!!! In the days of past, I have always heard that NEVER, NEVER have weddings on the seventh month. Even when throwing a wedding dinner in a restaurant, as this might attract uninvited unseen guests!!! So, does it make a difference in the year of 2008...just because there are three lucky symbols of eights??? Like Mei Mei told me and I thank her for that..."even those couples that chosed their wedding days, ended divorced!!!" True!!! Ponder on this...
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