Just came back from a nice relaxing dinner with some of my good, "OLD" friends. It has been awhile since we get together to enjoy some laughters and hearty dinner. We ate, chatted, talked about sodomy (a very interesting and popular subject these days), shared some good jokes and sighed over life!!! Hahaha...it was funny when I realised that I am the youngest of the lot of four and the other three is way passed forty carats!!! I know Joanne Tan will get back to me on this when she reads this post.
We decided to go to Teluk Kumbar Seafood Restaurant (more popularly known as Good Friend Seafood or How Yeo Hai Sian). It has been ages since I last went there (eversince Pauline recommended us to Highway Seafood Restaurant in Simpang Ampat/Jawi - hopefully, will get a chance to go again soon).
Good Friend Seafood was as usual, jam packed. We reached there at about 7++pm and already the cars are parked everywhere along the lane that leads to the restaurant. The place is not exactly easy to find for those who have not been because it is located behind a small run down bus station (formerly, Penang Yellow Bus). You will miss it in a blink of the eye. It is about less than 100 meters befo
re the junction to Gertak Sanggul.
We were seated way at the back of the diners. The tables are set on the sandy beach (do wear flipflops if you are going - girls in high heels, well, you may have difficult in walking along the sand and heavy girls in high heels....hmmmmmm....). The view is always beautiful. Towards the right, you get to see the jetty in Gertak Sanggul. Left and ahead, you see nothing by the majestic sea. I am sure you w
ould love going there with your camera, Howard.
We ordered the famous satay, as to order the seafood would take awhile. The tumeric seasoned chicken meat in skewers are yummy...not too well done....juicy and succulent. It is famous as when you eat most satay in town, you have to dip in peanut sauce. The satay here is different as there are no peanut sauce but some spicy sauce are being barbecued
on to the satay itself. It is still as good as it was. It is served with only a few pieces of cucumber.
After waiting awhile, still no sign of anyone taking our orders, I decided to walk to the counter to ask for a personnel to come over to our table. I suggested the fried salted fish
vermicelli (kiam hoo bee hoon). Judy ordered fried crab in salted egg and nestum prawns. Loh tow, balitong char swnee and asparagus with chili (loh soon char huan cheow). Joanne asked for recommendation, and was told mantis prawn with dried chili (her kor char huan cheow knua). Judy added, tarn char (shell fish). Goodness gracious...I was thinking of my tummy with all the huan cheow!!!
First the balitong char swnee came. It has been sometime since I last "choot choot" (sound of sucking the) balitong. The gravy is nice, since it is fried sweet and sour. Something different then the usual balitong fried with sambal.
Next came the crab. Well, this dish has a very strong aroma of butter when you put the gravy in to your mouth. Only, if you reme
mbered it is fried with salted egg, then you will realized what that salty clumps are. Not too bad, but I still prefer the crab either in sweet and sour or (not exactly my fav) blackpepper. It's comes in a milky kind of gravy with daun karipuleh (curry leaves).
Then the than char. Nothing really spectacular but I did enjoy the spring onion strips. The mantis prawn in dried chili is something I enjoy. The prawns are deep fried in a thin coating of batter until a little crunchy. Then it is stir fried with dried chili, ginger, thick black soya sauce, sugar and sliced onions. We ate this with white rice. Unfortunately, the kiam hoo bee hoon was canceled (due to no kiam hoo...aiyoh, taukeh, right in front of the restaurant is the sea...and all the hoo in the sea is kiam lah!!! Improvise lah!!!) and the girl did not take our order of nestum prawns, but with two glasses of sea coconut drink, I was full up to the brim.
Satay Ratings : 8/10
Seafood Ratings : 7/10
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