The beautiful Chang Er (the lovely moon maiden - no lah, who told you moon was inhabited by aliens??? - in Chinese mythology) has been very generous (or vengeful) with me this year. Look at the number of mooncakes I have!!! If I finish all, I will land myself in the nearest hospital!!! Luckily lah, I am in my "no-mooncake-crazy" fancy. Ah Sim Ee gave a box from Tai Thong, Ah Han Ee gave one from Amway and Alex another from Foh San.

Over the years, mooncakes have evolved to many unsual flavours to meet the customers craziness. The more authentic ones like Black Bean Paste, Red Bean Paste, Lotus Seed Paste are making way for pandan paste, chocolate paste, coffee paste, tiramisu paste, green tea paste, durian paste, cream corn, even savoury heh bee (dried shrimp) paste!!! See Carole's blog for Bird Nest Mooncake!!! What will these mooncake makers think of next??? Curry chicken mooncakes???
Anyway, Happy Mooncake Festival to all...
Keith actaully Tai Thong came up with Sambal Udang Mooncake, shud try ... :)
no thankz yew suan...i am still thinking of how i can finish those at home :)
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